Random photoshoped stuff, web comics, funny videos and whatever else is funny from 3 average guys with nothing better to do.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Here is another humorous conversation between Tiny and Myself:

Pickles says: (9:46:07 PM)
I bought a second ps3 controller!
Pickles says: (9:46:15 PM)
now I can has spit screen!
Pickles says: (9:46:19 PM)
oh shit!
Pickles says: (9:46:39 PM)
and zach bought stella!
Ryan says: (9:46:54 PM)
Pickles says: (9:47:00 PM)
and we both bought fraps!
Pickles says: (9:47:06 PM)
but mine was bigger!
Ryan says: (9:47:07 PM)
Pickles says: (9:47:13 PM)
but it gave me a tummy ache!
Ryan says: (9:47:17 PM)
Pickles says: (9:47:19 PM)
so I'm going to sue starbucks!
Ryan says: (9:47:23 PM)

A small amount of explanation may be needed for some: Stella is a TV show that all members of Brain for Rent quite enjoy, but is very hard to find on DVD, as it only lasted 10 episodes and no one other than us wants to buy the DVD. Also, in case you weren't reading carefully, the reason for my sudden outburst of "oh shit" was because of a small typo causing me to say "spit screen" instead of "split screen." The End.

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